The Great Gracie Chase: Stop That Dog! Gracie has been a good dog every single day of her life. That is, until some noisy painters arrive. When she barks at them for causing a racket, she is put outside. So she decides to go for a walk. The painters, the neighbors, and the garbage man all run after her. She can¹t figure out why . . . so she keeps running. Soon, the whole town joins in. Stop that dog! It¹s the great Gracie chase! Links: Henry the Fourth Henry the Fourth is perfect for teaching ordinals to pre-K through kindergarteners. Welcome to the neighborhood dog show! First Maxie speaks. Second Baxter begs. Third Daisy rolls over, but will Henry the fourth steal the show? Learning ordinals with this pack of playful pooches will have readers sitting up and begging for more. Links: Froggy Gets a Doggy Mom has agreed: Froggy can have a pet. Off to the pet store they go. Mom would prefer a bunny or some mice, but Froggy and his little sister, Pollywogilina, ...