
Mi mini libro de Los Animales del Mar

  Help your students learn about sea animals in Spanish with this mini book.

Mi mini libro de los insectos

 Ayuda a tus estudiantes a practicar los nombres de los insectos en español. un gran recurso, especialmente para enseñar español como lengua extranjera.  Las instrucciones para formar el libro están incluidas.  Para más mini libros de otros temas, visita mi tienda en tes  The Primary Cloud .

Mi mini libro de la fruta en español

Ayuda a tus estudiantes a practicar los nombres de las frutas en español. un gran recurso, especialmente para enseñar español como lengua extranjera.  Las instrucciones para formar el libro están incluidas.  Para más mini libros de otros temas, visita mi tienda en tes The Primary Cloud . Link

New pet books in English

  The Great Gracie Chase: Stop That Dog! Gracie has been a good dog every single day of her life. That is, until some noisy painters arrive. When she barks at them for causing a racket, she is put outside. So she decides to go for a walk. The painters, the neighbors, and the garbage man all run after her. She can¹t figure out why . . . so she keeps running. Soon, the whole town joins in. Stop that dog! It¹s the great Gracie chase! Links: amazon.com Henry the Fourth Henry the Fourth is perfect for teaching ordinals to pre-K through kindergarteners. Welcome to the neighborhood dog show! First Maxie speaks. Second Baxter begs. Third Daisy rolls over, but will Henry the fourth steal the show? Learning ordinals with this pack of playful pooches will have readers sitting up and begging for more. Links: amazon.com Froggy Gets a Doggy Mom has agreed: Froggy can have a pet. Off to the pet store they go. Mom would prefer a bunny or some mice, but Froggy and his little sister, Pollywogilina, ...

Nocturnal Animals Books

  Moonlight Animals   Do you know what happens in the forest after dark? Now you can with a touch of the magic flashlight that reveals hidden creatures! Each spread appears to be dark, but once the flashlight is pointed, brilliant wildlife illustrations magically illuminate. Links: amazon.com After Dark: Poems about Nocturnal Animals When the sun goes down, many animals come out. Crickets chirp their crickety song hoping to attract a mate. Cougars bury their leftovers for later, leaving few clues for others to follow. Armadillos emerge from their dens to dig for worms, leaving holes in the lawns they disturb. This collection of poetry from acclaimed children's author and poet David L. Harrison explores the lives of animals who are awake after dark. Stephanie Laberis's beautifully atmospheric illustrations will draw in readers, and extensive back matter offers more information about each animal. Links: amazon.com Nocturnal Animals (Life Science) Simple text and bright photograp...

Halloween - Pack of resources (Early Years)

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