
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2021

Actividades sobre Halloween - Activities about Halloween

  Tarjetas de conteo con semillas de calabazas - Pumpkin Seeds Counting Cards Fuente -  Source : https://www.totschooling.net/2019/09/pumpkin-seeds-counting-cards.html Tarjetas de discriminación visual de monstruos -  Monster Visual Discrimination Cards Fuente -  Source :  https://stayathomeeducator.com/monster-theme-visual-discrimination-activity/?ck_subscriber_id=548932998 Jack-o'-Lantern Collages Fuente -  Source :  http://www.readingconfetti.com/2013/09/jack-o-lantern-collages-preschool-craft.html Golf con calabazas -  Pumpkin golf Fuente -  Source :  https://eighteen25.com/pumpkin-golf-halloween-games/ Rompe las "calabazas" con los pies -  Pumpkin balloon stomp Fuente -  Source :  https://www.deliacreates.com/five-easy-halloween-games-kids/ Camina sobre la tela de araña -  Spider web walking Fuente -  Source :  https://www.notimeforflashcards.com/2011/10/spider-web-gross-motor-activity.html Calabaza ate...

Autumn Songs

  Orange, yellow, red and brown Autumn leaves are falling down Leaves on the Tree