4th of July Books
Story Of America's Birthday

This little book presents the story of the founding of America in words that are simple enough for a toddler to understand. Vibrant illustrations paired with the text help to create the connection between the story of the Declaration of Independence and American Revolution and today's Fourth of July festivities. Parents can use this book to introduce little ones to the history and meaning behind Independence Day. Ages 2-5.
- amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3O0ohoM
My Fourth of July

A responsible little boy who's eager to do his part wakes up joyful and ready to celebrate his favourite day of all. But there's a lot of work to do--pies to be baked, deviled eggs to be filled--and the boy has lots of jobs to complete before he can enjoy the fun . . . the world's best picnic! Face painting! A band concert!
And then, after what seems like the longest wait ever . . . he can kick back and enjoy the fireworks with the rest of the country.
- amazon.com: https://amzn.to/44tT2rQ
Apple Pie Fourth of July
- amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3NEtHVl
You're My Little Firecracker

You’re my Fourth of July.
You make my heart light up,
Bring colour to my sky.
You make my heart light up,
Bring colour to my sky.
The Fourth of July Story

What happened on the Fourth of July long before there were fireworks and parades? Alice Dalgliesh takes young readers back to revolutionary times, back to the colonists’ desire for freedom and the creation of the Declaration of Independence.
- amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3JJBdwM
The Night Before the Fourth of July

It's the night before the Fourth of July, and people all across the United States are getting ready for hot dogs and fireworks. Decked in red, white, and blue, a family heads to a parade hosts a backyard BBQ with friends and family, dodges an afternoon thundershower, and watches a fireworks show. The Night Before the Fourth of July captures the best summer holiday's fun, excitement, and pride!
- amazon.com: https://amzn.to/44cE1e5
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