Actividades para hacer en casa III - Activities to do at home III
Y sigo con las actividades para hacer en casa con niños libres de pantallas. Si se os ocurre alguna otra idea, sentiros libres de ponerla en comentarios.
And I continue with the screens free activities to do at home with children. If you think of any other idea, feel free to add it in comments.
- Dibujar con los ojos vendados
- Draw with the eyes covered
- Dibujar al revés. Ví esa actividad en otra clase de mi guardería y me gusto mucho. La actividad consiste en que el niño se tumbe en el suelo boca arriba colocándose el papel en la parte interior de la mesa.
- Draw upside down. I saw this activity in another room of my nursery and I really liked it. The activity consists of lying on the floor (looking up) collocating the paper in the inside part of the door.
- Jugar a las sillas musicales
- Play musical chairs
- Pintar con acuarelas y sal
- Paint with watercolour and salt
- Jugar a la gallinita ciega
- Play little blind chicken
- Hacer play-dough/slime casero
- Make homemade play-dough/slime
- Encontrar objetos por la casa
- Find objects around the house
- Fiesta de pijamas
- Pyjama party
- Caja de los sentidos (tacto). Coloca diferentes objetos en una caja de zapatos y pide al niño que con los ojos cerrados, meta la mano e intente descubrir que está tocando.
- Senses box (touch). Put different objects inside a shoe box and ask the child (which the eyes closed), to put one hand in and try to find out what he/she is touching.
- Probar diferentes alimentos con los ojos cerrados e intentar adivinarlos.
- Taste different foods with the eyes closed and try to guess what they are.
- Poner trozos de canciones y tratar de adivinarla/seguir la letra
- Put pieces of songs and try to guess them/continue the lyric
- Jugar a quién puede pasar el rato más largo sin reírse
- Play to who can spend the longest time without laughing
- Hacer experimentos: Agua, pimienta y jabón (importancia de lavarse las manos)
- Do experiments: Water, pepper and soap (importance of washing hands)
- Hacer experimentos ¿Cómo formar colores secundarios a partir de colores primarios? (agua y colorante alimentario)
- Do experiments: How can we form secondary colours from primary colours? (water and colouring food)
- Hacer experimentos: Vinagre y bicarbonato.
- Do experiments: Vinegar and bicarbonate.
- Hacer volteretas
- Do somersaults
- Carreras de carretillas
- Wheelbarrow races
- Jugar a "Arranca cebollas"
- Play to "Pull onions". The players must sit down one behind each other holding the previous player with the hands around the waist. Another player will have to try pull the first person sitting down. Then, both of them will have to try to pull the next person sitting ahead, and so on.
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