Activities about road safety education

  •  Give the children scenarios to consider and discuss as a group, if you can, using pictures, film clips, or even demonstrations on the playground or in the school hall. For example, Ahmed’s ball is in the road because he threw it over the fence by accident. What should he do now?’ or ‘Where is a safe place to play? Let’s name some around here.’ ‘Why does a bicycle helmet help you stay safe?’
  • Draw or paint posters of people holding hands on pavement and vehicles on roads. Discuss how holding hands keeps children safe. Write road safety slogans for the posters and display them where parents will see them.
  • Paint an ambulance in its bright colours. Discuss why it is painted brightly - so people can see it coming when it’s travelling fast. Discuss, with appropriate sensitivity, how the ambulance could be carrying someone to the hospital who has been injured on the road. You can help make sure this isn’t you by staying away from the road, and wearing something bright so drivers can see you.
  • Do a seat belt experiment. Belt up a small teddy into a toy car using ribbon. Put another teddy in another toy car without a seat belt. Carry out experiments using slopes and obstacles to demonstrate that the teddy who doesn’t wear a seat belt can fall out and get hurt.
  • Shine torches. Use a room with blinds and shut them. Then shine torches on the high-visibility vests that the children wear. This is a good experiment to do if you have dark mornings or evenings in the winter and provide children with high-visibility gear to encourage them to wear it.
  • Listen to some road noises you have recorded or play off the internet, e.g., an ambulance, a car, pedestrian crossing beeping. What are they? Can the children match them to the pictures you're holding up? Listen out for road noises; they can warn you that traffic is coming.


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